Thursday, May 20, 2010


Jackson walked into the bar with an arrogant glance, spotted who he thought might be the stupidest chick in the place and sliced a path to her side.

The young woman, waiting for a friend, let him make his opening line and then a followup before her friend arrived and Jackson backed off, thinking, for now.

Her friend was a young Asian man who sliced his path to her side with the precision of a slide rule, bowed to her and with his beautiful smile asked if she had been waiting long.

They began a smart dialogue and if Jackson could have heard any of it, he would have learned that she was not only NOT the stupidest chick in the place, but a nuclear scientist in the making.

The two friends ordered a drink though neither of them drank alcohol as a rule; she a rum and coke, liking cola, and he a beer because that's what he knew, while Jackson ordered Absolut on the rocks, asked for a slice of lime and continued watching what he thought was the stupidest chick in the place as she grew more animated talking to her friend, another scientist with a bent for logarithms.

The friends finished their drink, and still talking, got up to leave while Jackson who happened to be slouching near the door gallantly opened it for them and said, "See you later doll. I'll be there about eleven."

She said a polite thank you, while her friend bowed as they exited the bar, neither Jackson nor the couple realizing that the deeply intrusive barb - the stinging meanness lobbed at them had gone to waste; alas, they only knew a handful of precisely useful phrases in English.

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