Monday, May 10, 2010


Magda sat rocking ferociously on her small antique rocker and to the outside observer, she might seem tense. Her flatmates thought her so, and sometimes she was.

But not today. Today's rocking had to do with something more exquisite; a glorious release of tension that Magda herself had no real idea of except that she was dreaming hard all night and in those dreams, things were resolving.

She knew about about a deep-seated issue that had possibly been plaguing her for years but she could not be certain if it had really been quelled, or if she was just a little keyed-up for a Tuesday morning in general.

Despite the rocking, that to an outside observer might seem overly energetic, her head was strangely calm while her body and heart roiled with excitement. Her boyfriend asked her if she wanted to go to the store but she couldn't concentrate on groceries even though she knew she needed them. She kept rocking and staring at the blank wall, recently painted a soft gray, enjoying the calm in her head thinking that it is so rare to to get the brain to shut up it feels like a miracle. Or at the very least, a fantastic new drug.

People came and went; the landlord, the electrician, her boyfriend's aunt. Eventually she went to the computer and paid a bill and felt excited about that and decided to go for a walk. The day was chilly and overcast but the air was invigorating causing Magda's body to move with a distinct swagger. She dialed her sister and they had an voluble conversation about money, the economy and the state of the nation. She thought of telling her about the dreams and her excitement and what it might mean but didn't want her high spirit defused by excess verbiage; especially from a stockbroker.

Magda didn't really know, but wondered, what was going on in her subconscious mind and if the calm excitement represents more of the same, or a reversal...the ever-tardy removal of the thorn.

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